Shell Scripting Challenge

Shell Scripting Challenge

Shell scripting in Bash is an essential skill for any Linux user, especially for DevOps professionals. It allows for automating tasks, managing systems efficiently, and performing repetitive tasks with ease. In this guide, we will walk through some fundamental concepts of shell scripting with practical tasks to solidify your understanding.


Comments in bash scripts are used to add explanatory notes or disable certain lines of code. This is especially useful for documenting your code, making it easier for others (and yourself) to understand what each part of the script does.

Script with Comments


The echo command is used to display messages on the terminal. It's a basic but powerful way to interact with the user and display information.

Script Using Echo


Variables in bash are used to store data, which can then be referenced by their name. This is useful for making scripts dynamic and reusable.

Script Declaring Variables

Using Variables

Once variables are declared, they can be used to perform various tasks. Here, we will create a script that takes two variables (numbers) as input and prints their sum.

Script Using Variables

Using Built-in Variables

Bash provides several built-in variables that hold useful information about the system and the script itself. We will create a script that utilizes at least three different built-in variables to display relevant information.

Script Using Built-in Variables


Wildcards are special characters used to perform pattern matching when working with files. They are useful for listing, moving, or manipulating files that match a specific pattern.

Script Using Wildcards